Welcome all to a place for me to display my artistic talents. Over the next few months or so, I will be uploading my work to show the range of my skills. This work will span my personally created and copyrighted work, my participation and contributions in a variety of events (both mine and of others), as well as general artwork of already existing materials of others (Fan work).
The works shown here on this blog will include but are not limited to: a variety of contests I've participated in (even those I did not win), various paintings (both commissioned or otherwise), tattoo designs created and my comic book creations such as my Main title character
Ninja Blade.
Most, if not all of my comic book characters including
Ninja Blade, go back as far 1989. It is my opinion that much of my comic book characters and stories have matured over the years. You will also see the natural progression of many of these characters. On that note, lets go...